How Medical Certificates for Sick Leaves Differ From Fitness Certificates

The primary goal of a GP certificate for sick leave is to verify that the employee has been “unwell to work” during the period they have been absent. The document is often mistaken for being the same thing as a “fitness to work certificate”, which is a document to verify the physical condition of the employee to return to work. Which is not true. This blog outlines the differences and similarities between these documents and their appropriate applications. 

What Is What: Fitness to Work Certificate and GP Certificate 

Both fitness-to-work certificates and unwell-to-work certificates are medical proof of the physical condition of the employee. However, the documents differ in their application. 

The idea of "unwell to work" certification is about justifying employees missing work for a short period, typically a two-day sick leave. It is an explanation of the patient's past physical condition but does not certify the current condition of the employee or whether they are fit enough to return to work. This is why the unable-to-work certificate is appropriate for mild illnesses like a sore throat, work stress, a mild fever, or an upset stomach—conditions that are not medical emergencies or serious conditions.

Fitness-to-work certificates go into verifying whether it is safe for the employee to resume work. In turn, it also ensures that the workplace is safe for the employees and that they are not transmitting any illnesses. Serious conditions, like accidents, sinus attacks, respiratory problems, etc., might require this document at workplaces.

Online Medical Certifications: Benefits and Limitations

Employers may accept online sick certificates for minor illnesses for up to 5 days, but to obtain certifications of "fitness to work," seeing a doctor in person must be prioritised.  Fitness-to-work certificates involve in-person medical diagnoses and checkups. However, if you are seeking a sick note for a minor fever or a similar level of sickness, it is quite okay to consult with a doctor online. 

How Medical Documents Work in Universities 

Medical documents It is not a replacement for medical treatment. As a result, there are some limitations and restrictions on its use. The restrictions are that you can only use this facility for a current minor disease, not for a previous illness, a medical emergency, a major illness, or if you are already afflicted with a problem. The sole limitation is that you may only use it a set number of times each month. Its applicability is restricted.

How Sick Leave Works During Maternity & Pregnancy 

In Ireland, employers are entitled to pay Statutory Sick Pay rather than Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP) if a currently working employee falls sick while on shared parental leave and you meet the requirements for Statutory Sick Pay. 

While it is prevalent to use online medical certificates for minor sick leaves from work, they are not usable during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or when you are planning to get pregnant, even if it is not a pregnancy-related sickness. However, fathers and male parents don’t have this restriction, they can use an online sick certificate for a minor illness. 

When it comes to maternity leave or planning pregnancy, employees have the responsibility to provide at least four weeks' written notice and a doctor's letter attesting to their pregnancy when announcing their decision to take maternity leave. Your maternity leave will begin on the date specified by your doctor on the illness certificate unless you need to start it sooner for medical reasons. This single notice is sufficient; no other paperwork or notices are necessary.


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